Read Men's Guide to Summer Foot Care extra

Believe it. Just as men notice women's feet, women are often even more concerned about how men's feet look. Guys, take note: Gnarly toes sticking out of sandals or dry, rough feet are not the way to impress women! Since sandals, flip-flops and bare feet put ugly toenails or cracked heels on public display, now is the time to get your feet in shape by starting a regular foot care regimen, using the appropriate products.

A regular foot care routine will not only keep your feet looking better, it can also minimize the problem of foot odor. Simply put, men who take care of themselves make a better impression, and women will appreciate it.

General foot care for men includes a few necessities and some minor commitment in terms of time. It's really not that complicated, and the right products can streamline the process so that you can proudly present your feet in public without worrying that spending time on your feet is too "girly."

First, keep toenails cut. It is very easy to forget about toenails to the point where they are too long - a huge turnoff to women. One highly rated toenail clipper is the ACE for Men Toenail Clipper, which is a "man-sized stainless steel toenail clipper. Well-designed 55 degree POWER CUT lever makes cutting thick nails easy. Straight blades help avoid ingrown toenails. Clipper includes catcher so nails don't fly away." Be sure to trim toenails straight across and use a nail file and buffer.

One problem men are becoming more self-conscious about is having discolored, yellow or thick toenails - women can polish them, but men have no way to hide the problem. Examine toenails and take action if they are unsightly.

For unattractive yellow or thick toenails, a natural, easy approach is to use NonyX® Nail Gel, a topical, easy-to-use and diabetic-friendly gel used by podiatrists, but also sold in the foot care aisle of pharmacies. NonyX Gel works by breaking down and removing keratin debris - the discolored, yellow or thick granular buildup under nails which causes them to appear yellow, dark or discolored. NonyX Gel softens keratin debris so that it can be scraped out from under the nail, beginning after about four weeks (better get started!). With regular use, toenails look clear and healthy.

If the skin on your feet is rough, dry or cracked, the solution is to exfoliate and moisturize. One of the newest, which works without scraping, is CalleX® Dry Heel Ointment, which moisturizes, softens and exfoliates all in one application. CalleX is also diabetic-friendly and results in smooth, soft, attractive feet within in just a few weeks.

The peppermint oil in CalleX Ointment also helps keep bad foot odors at bay!

If possible, avoid keeping your feet trapped in airtight shoes all day long, and for general foot health, invest in quality shoes. While they may cost more, women aren't the only ones who suffer the consequences of buying shoes that don't fit well because they're driven by fashion, not comfort.

If you start now with products like these and a real commitment, attractive feet can be yours by summer!

Foot Odor

Product Sourcing Information:

ACE for Men Toenail Clipper is available on

NonyX Nail Gel is sold in the FOOT CARE section of Walgreens, Rite Aid, CVS, Walmart, Meijer, TARGET, Snyders, Longs, Duane Reade, Giant Eagle, HEB, Kerr Drug, Bruno's, ShopKo, Hannaford, Duane Reade, Sweetbay, Giant-Eagle and many grocery stores in the Southeast and many Medicine Shoppe pharmacies.

CalleX Ointment for Dry, Cracked Feet is sold in the FOOT CARE section at Walgreens, Rite-Aid, Stop & Shop, HEB, Kerr Drug, Meijer, Snyders, Bruno's, many Medicine Shoppe pharmacies and other grocery chains in the Southeast. Rebate coupons for NonyX Gel and CalleX Ointment are available online at

Dana Lawrence is a freelance health and beauty writer, who has been published in magazines such as Pharmacy Times and Podiatry Management.

Men's Guide to Summer Foot Care

Foot Odor