Foot odor remedies will vary from the natural to the commercial so finding what you need shouldn't be difficult. This odor is not only a problem for those who have it but those around the person who has it. Lets face it nobody wants to be around someone with smelly feet and you can't keep your shoes and socks on forever. There will be a time and place when you will have to take your shoes and socks off and you don't want people tearing up from the smell that comes up.
Some tips you can try to help reduce your foot odor is wear wool socks, wash feet everyday, change socks as many times a day as you can, use baking soda on them, use foot odor insoles, try zinc supplements, soak feet in lemon juice and kosher salt and water. If those don't work then your up the creek without a paddle, kidding. Clean your shoes as often as possible too because the smell will go with you everywhere if its attached to your shoes. Apple cider vinegar works just as well as anything on the market today and will cure those stinky feet.
I had a foot odor problem I wasn't proud of so I did something about it. If these don't work you can try talking with a doctor if you feel it's necessary. Foot odor remedies can be pretty much found at your local store so the treatment will be easy to come by. If you want to find the best way to treat your problems just continue to search online until you find the best sites to help you out.
Foot OdorFor the best Foot Odor Remedies online CLICK HERE