We have to perspire in order for our body to cool off. Sweat does not smell but it is an ideal culture ground for the bacteria on our skin to multiply. This bacteria break down the sweat to become aromatic fatty acids that produce bad body odor.
The cause of sweat and body odor comes from the body's temperature regulation system, specifically the sweat glands. There are two types of sweat glands that secreted human sweats, the eccrine glands and apocrine glands. The eccrine glands are found everywhere. They are mostly found on the forehead, palms and soles of the feet. By producing sweat, these glands regulate body temperature and waste products are excreted directly onto the surface of the skin. Apocrine glands develop at puberty and are abundant in the armpits, scalp, and pubic region. The sweat produce by apocrine gland is thicker than the sweat produce by eccrine glands. Although, sweat does not smell, when it makes contact with bacteria on the skin surface, it causes body odor.
Normally, a person produces about 1 pint of sweat daily but this can be increased by physical activity, fever, or a hot environment. Whenever the body temperature rises, the autonomic nervous system stimulates the eccrine glands to secrets sweat onto the surface of the skin to help cools the body as it evaporates. On the other hand, the apocrine glands secret fatty sweat unto the tubule of the glands. When a person in under emotional stress, the wall of the tubule contracts and the sweat goes out to the surface of the skin where the bacteria begins breaking it down that cause bad body odor.
If you are concerned about sweating and body odor, here are two simple ways to stop underarm sweat and bad body odor:
* Antiperspirant - it contain aluminum-based compounds that temporarily block the sweat pore that reduce the amount of perspiration that reaches your skin.
* Deodorant - it eliminate odor but not perspiration. They're usually alcohol-based turning the skin acidic making it less attractive to bacteria. Deodorants often contain perfume fragrances intended to eliminate the odor of perspiration and are used on the hands and feet as well as the underarms.
Another remedy to stop underarm sweat without prescription is 20% aluminum chloride solution, otherwise known as Anhydrol Forte and Driclor. Here's how to apply it on your skin:
* You apply to it your armpits, feet etc before you go to bed each night. Because sweating stops when you sleep, so the solution will be more effective.
* As the liquid gets into the openings of the sweat glands it caused them to swell up and block.
* Remember to wash it off in the morning, and don't reapply until the next bedtime.
* Never apply the solution after shaving as this will cause skin irritation.
* You use the product every night to start with, and then reduce it as you stop sweating to every other night or once or twice a week.
There are lot of things you can do to stop underarm sweat and odor:
* Take a bathe daily to help keep the number of bacteria on your skin in check.
* Choose natural fabrics clothing such as cotton, wool and silk, which allow your skin to breathe. When you exercise, use high-tech fabrics that wick moisture away from your skin.
* Apply antiperspirants at bedtime to sweaty palms, armpit, or soles of the feet. Try perfume-free antiperspirants.
* Try relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation or biofeedback. These can help you learn to control the stress that triggers perspiration.
* Change your diet. Consider eliminating caffeinated drinks from your diet as well as foods with strong odors, such as garlic and onions.
Want some cures for excessive sweating? Do you need to know more about possible treatments and solutions? Click Stop Underarm Sweat and be informed right away. It's time that you say goodbye to dripping off sweat. Click HERE for more info!